Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The birds of Rietvlei with Animal Tales in South Africa

Last week for Animal Tales I visited Rietvlei Nature Reserve, I returned again yesterday. At only R48, around £2 it is definitely somewhere I will be visiting as many times as possible during my trip.

There's a gorgeous tea room at Rietvlei and I need no excuse to stop and enjoy a cup or two.

I still haven't located a free bird, animal, plant app, but I found some boards in the hide with bird identification and I met a woman who helped me out naming a few.

It's spring in South Africa so there is lots of new growth and of course lots of off spring and I enjoyed watching these young birds playing in the water and cooling off.

Red Bishops and a Golden Bishop

There are several bird hides around the reserve but this one is the best as it offers the best views

White throated swallow

Goliath Heron

Egret's in flight

These two seems to be firm friends, more about the rhino's next week


  1. Hi Suzanne, a nice cup of tea and the chance of shooting (with a camera) some birds; how perfect a day out is that? The Red and Golden Bishops look stunning, with their colours looking as though they've been dipped in paint.

    It is a shame that rhinos have to have their horns removed for their own safety, but they are still magnificent creatures.


    1. the red and golden bishops are my favourite birds, we used to have them nesting in the garden

  2. It looks such an amazing place to visit and at £2 I don't blame you returning! #AnimalTales

  3. What a very special place - I think I would also be there as much as possible!

  4. The red and yellow of those birds is so vibrant! Brilliant; not surprised you like it there :)

  5. Never mind the rhino, what wonderful birds! Very impressive colours.

  6. I love seeing birds from other regions and I do wonder if any of "our" swallows make it down to South Africa. Birds are certainly more colourful but some do bear a resemblance to some of our local ones. Looking forward to Rhino Tales next week on #AnimalTales.

  7. Just noticed that the bird you call a Goliath Heron is, I think, what I would call a Cormorant. Are they the same?

    1. i thought it was a Cormorant also until i studied the board and it's a Heron for sure

