Sunday, 13 December 2015

When Bob met Santa - My Sunday Photo - Week 50

Seeing as my kids are no fun anymore I accepted an invitation to take Bob to a Christmas party and meet Santa.

Operation 'Get Bob in the car' is quite a stressful process, as the second he see's any indication he's going out gets over excited and can no longer follow instructions. It's the same getting out the car the other end and by the time I'd negotiated several doors, completed registration forms, Bob almost didn't go to the party as he was so naughty, pulling on the lead, tripping me up and puling me in the opposite direction, mind you I don't think he was happy in his party t shirt and santa hat, that he removed before I had chance to take a photo.

There was space to run off the lead

 Other dogs to play with

Supervised and supported swimming

 And brand new experiences, such as being licked in the face

I am aware Bob is actually a dog and not a replacement child, I was invited, it was a bit of fun, Bob loves socialising and after all, this is Dubai.


  1. What fantastic pictures. The dog swimming looks brilliant!

    1. we will be visiting their again, esp when summer comes back round, the pool can be hired by the hour

  2. Replies
    1. lol, if Bob could say thank you, I'm sure he would

  3. Bob looks like he is having a wonderful time - his expression at being licked made me laugh. He doesn't look too sure about it! Love the photo of him with Father Christmas too :-)

    1. that photo of him being licked keeps making me chuckle also

  4. Looks like Bob had a good time! He looks a bit unsure about the face lick though! Lol!

    1. he had a fab day and so did i, some of the owners were a bit weird, with their 'babies'

  5. It looks like Bob had a great time, his face is priceless in the one where his face is being licked

    Thank you for linking up

  6. He is so sweet and love his jacket, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

    1. he wasn't too impressed with the jacket, although he forgot he was wearing it after a while

  7. That looks amazing fun! Good for Bob and good for you :)

  8. ha ha! I loved this post. I bet Bob loved his day and swimming looks very fun! thanks for sharing. I love his top! Angela form daysinbed

    1. Bob loves his days out from behind the villa walls, he'll go just about anywhere

  9. That looks like great fun - Bess and Perdie would be in heaven

    1. i had a great time there also, met some lovely people

  10. Hi Suzanne, the description you gave of taking your dog out sounds about right for us too. Any inkling os going out and the dogs go manic.

    Bob is a rather handsome looking dog and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the party. It's just a shame that you can't negotiate terms of behaviour with him like you would a child!


    1. we have been working on the behaviour over the holidays and he is getting much better now

  11. This is brilliant and I'd be there with Saari if:
    A) she wasn't scared of everyone and
    B) It's only in Dubai.
    I *Love* the photo of Bob having his face licked - it's a classic!

    Many thanks for adding this post to #AnimalTales.

    1. i love that picture of Bob also, I've heard about dog parties etc in the UK, it's probably less advertised there than over in Dubai

