Saturday, 12 December 2015

Project 365 - Week 50 - A week of beige

It's been a rather boring week, I spent most of it on my own and developed a sad little routine that consisted of 5.15am alarm, kettle on, feed pets, let pets out, return to bed with a cup of tea, check social media, dress, make up, hair, breakfast, clean teeth, take lunch box out of fridge, put dog out, put rubbish out and drive to work.

Now work has been interesting, it's in a school and that's about all I can and will say about it, I really don't want to jeapodise my future with a silly comment, made in jest, online that could damage my career. I'm teaching at an Arabic school so things that I might say normally are more culturally sensitive so I really don't want to link my private and personal life in any way.

Anyway back to my routine. When I get home from work, anything between 4.15pm and 6pm depending on the traffic in Dubai as I travel almost from one end to the other, I feed the pets, put the hot water on, walk the dog, get changed, make dinner and tomorrows packed lunch, while checking social media, have a bath and read a couple of chapters of my book, wash up and pick one task/job for the evening and go to bed around 9pm, via making a cup of tea and getting my breakfast out for the morning to remind me to eat it and watch something on youtube while maybe writing a blog post or uploading some photos, checking bank accounts and replying to the day's emails.

I injured my foot at some point on Friday/Saturday, walking has been very painful and I also have quite a nasty cough and have felt a bit flu like in the evenings, but that's probably because I'm not used to being in work and I'm over tired.

Sunday is a work day for me and the rest of Dubai, I've been spending some time actually using the living room and enjoying the christmas decorations before hubby comes home and the teen arrives for the holidays. I spent the evening as above as well as wrapping the presents.

Day 340 #onedailypositive #ISpy #fmsphotoaday#mytown #snaphappybritmums #project365 I spy from everywhere in Dubai, the Burj Khalifa from my front garden.

Monday I stopped off on my way home at Tesco to do the food shop.

Day 341 #onedailypositive #landscape #fmsphotoaday#YoureWelcome #snaphappybritmums #project365 A photo from last week at Safa Park where the final stages of the new canal developments are underway in Dubai. There will be hotels, restaurants and housing and I'm hoping for some amazing landscaping of parks, gardens on the waterfront.

Tuesday I cooked meals for myself for the rest of the week.

Day 342 #onedailypositive #organised #fmsphotoaday#red #snaphappybritmums #project365 all my essentials in my new @fossil purse.

Wednesday I was in so much agony with my foot that I lasted an hour at work and 20 minutes of that was spent with the nurse. I went to the hospital but as I have no Emirates ID card (new one being issued) I couldn't prove my ID with the medical aid and decided it was too much of a fluff with paying then trying to claim back, so I went to my doctors who diagnosed achilles tendonitis, they've prescribed medication and instructed I rest for the rest of the day. The doctor explained that it has probably been caused by the fact I am back at work and on my feet all day and over time I'll adjust. I blogged in the afternoon, sorted out some photos and carried out some research for my new job in January, which was followed by an early night.

Day 343 #onedailypositive #family #fmsphotoaday#smile #snaphappybritmums #project365 It's just me and the dog and cat here at the moment, but the #teenis at Heathrow waiting for the plane to Dubai as I type, hubby returns from South Africa on Sunday, but then flies to Germany Monday till Friday and then child 3 of 5 arrives for the New Year. As #expats we are isolated from our family, I've just had an hours skype call with my mum and dad in the UK, but had to wait 45 mins before my sister arrived at their house to show turn the camera on, on my mum's phone, so I could see them.

Thursday was an early start and I collected the teen from the airport at 4am before retracing my steps and going back the same route to work, I ironed in the evening in the bedroom as the teen has taken the living room over. It also involved a very early night.

Day 344 #onedailypositive #toy #fmsphotoaday#SimplerXmas #snaphappybritmums #project365money all round this year for the 5 kids and a few small presents. Only the #teen is with us for Xmas, the rest are in the UK.

Friday I was out early in the desert with Bob for a walk, after giving Bob a bath the teen and I went to Mall of Emirates to buy more clothes as he grows every time I see him. I spent the evening cooking for the rest of the week.
Some very good friends are getting married today in South Africa, hubby is at the wedding, I am not, so I kept a close eye on Social Media today in an attempt to be part of the event. We managed a Skype call after the ceremony.

Day 345 #onedailypositive #FreeChoice#fmsphotoaday #promise #snaphappybritmums#project365 I know free choice means anything we want to photograph, but my son needed new clothes and shoes as he's grown so much since his last visit, so he was set a budget and given a free choice for his new clothes and shoes and made to promise he won't ask for anything else.

Saturday morning after putting the washing machine on, the teen had a Dr's appointment and I had an X-ray on my foot. We then went to the beach for breakfast, a slice of cake from Hummingbird Bakery and drinks from Tim Hortons, we watched some of the World Air Games, but the teen got bored early on.  I took Bob to see Santa in the afternoon, that's a blog post in itself that i'll share at a later date.
Hubby is due back into Dubai around midnight, so I'm having an early night as I have work tomorrow and I know he'll disturb me when he comes in, but that's ok with me, I haven't seen him for over 2 weeks.

Day 346 #onedailypositive #exercise #fmsphotoaday#decoration #snaphappybritmums #project365 Bob at his Christmas party at Dog Walk, Dubai.


  1. I think setting a budget is a good idea, teaches them a lot of good values. Hope you enjoy his company for the few weeks you have him home.
    You are quite right not to talk about your work on here, I dont really feel there is much need to apart from general comments rather than specifics.

    1. he needs a new pair of shoes and wants a rather expensive pair, so he shopped with much more care this time, trying things on, so he could ensure there was enough money left for his shoes

  2. I hope your foot is feeling better now. That must be miserable. It must be great to have the teen over for Christmas and you know I can totally relate to teen boys who won't stop growing!

    1. I had you in mind when I was out shopping, foot marginally better, but by the end of day on my feet I'm almost in tears

  3. Love your shelf with photos, I'd love to have something similar. And you're spot on about keeping silent on your new job. You never know who reads your blog and how they would understand what you said. Merry Christmas!

    1. i bought the frames in charity shops over several years and the shelf a few months ago as we don't have window ledges in our new home to display them on

