Friday, 18 December 2015

Things I don't like about living in Dubai

We arrived in Dubai exactly a year ago today, unlike South Africa I had a chance to visit here twice, once for a week to see if I wanted to live here and then the month before we moved to submit our visa applications and look for somewhere to live.

You'll read in my blog all about the wonderful things I get up to living in Dubai, the places I visit and the things I see.

This post isn't about slating Dubai, like I said there are many wonderful things to do here, for starters I'm now back in work for the first time in 5 years and I'll happily tell you some of the things I didn't like about South Africa such as the safety and security, the postal service, the lack of consistency with services, power cuts, water shortages and the state of the roads. In the UK, I don't like the cold, the low sky, the over crowding, the narrow lanes when driving and the small houses.

These are the things I don't like about living in Dubai with solutions.

  • Tail gating especially by Nissan patrols and GMC 4x4 drivers, speeding, lane changing without notice, flashing lights at you demanding you pull over, which would actually cause a crash if you did. 
  • Avoid using the outside lane.
  • Tourists and Public Holidays as it's almost impossible to go anywhere by car or taxi and it more than doubles the journey time.
  • Use public transport, trains, buses and trams.
  • Expats and their none stop complaints about everything but not prepared to do anything about it and the pretentiousness of their lives on Facebook, they either don't do half the stuff they say or they are living life to the full on credit and if I read another update about their 'little darlings' preference for Lobster and Oysters, I'll bloody scream.
  • Unfollow group pages.
  • People who forget to finish dressing before leaving the house. It's quite common to see bare chested men, walking from the beach to where they're staying, women with copies amounts of cleavage or bum cheeks on show, see through blouses and short skirts.
  • Avoid tourist areas and Ladies nights/clubs and bars.
  • People not letting you off public transport, out the lift and stopping in large groups in doorways and at the top/bottom of escalators.
  • I've developed the stand and stare technique and make myself as wide as possible and sharpen my elbows to give a little jab as I purposely push through.
  • I miss wearing socks.
  • Nothing I can about this unless I chill my feet under the aircon, just to warm them up by putting socks on.

1 comment:

  1. Lobsters and oysters ... Yum... Oh I can't have those shell fish allergies

