Thursday, 10 November 2011

reasons to be

I'm new to all this blog hopping...still not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing so excuse me if I get it wrong.

Today's blog hop is again with @netcurtains over on

Do You Have Any Reasons To Be Cheerful? Share Them Here.

Do you have any reasons for cheerfulness this week? How about sharing them with us?
Every week, the lovely Mich over at Mummy from the Heart hostesses a lovely blog hop where we are encouraged to focus on the positives, even the little ones, in our lives. It is a great way to meet some very wonderful bloggers and to share in each others joys.
It is great to do on the weeks where you want to shout your happinesses from the rooftops and equally good when you really need to remind yourself that there is sunshine amongst the clouds. I (Kate is) hostessing for Mich this week.

The sun shines every day in South Africa, despite complaining that it is too hot to do anything in between 1pm and sundown everyday, it is wonderful, especially as I don't have to do anything so for that readon today I am grateful my visa says 'visitor'

My children are happy, despite leaving the 3 adult children behind (2 in the UK and 1 in Germany) they are settled in their home, work and lives and this pleases me that we did such a good job of leaving them to fend for themselves. The 2 children with have with us, settled very quickly making new friends much quicker than we anticipated.

Me and the 2 boys are back in the UK in December to spend time with 2 of our adult children (the 1 in Germany is visiting here next week) and I get to catch up with all my family, friends and twitter mates.

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