Saturday, 4 April 2015

Week 14 Project 365

The teen arrived on Day 91, he's here for 2 weeks for his Easter holidays, he has a photography project for his GCSE's his working on at the moment, so we've been planning activities around his project and my daily photo prompts. It's lovely to have him home for a while, he's really grown (again) and towers above me at over 6ft tall. He celebrates his 16th birthday while he's out here and we'll need to go clothes shopping as despite me sending him a list of what to pack he arrived with Jeans, 2 track pants, 8 pairs of boxers, 2 long sleeved tops, 3 hoodies, a winter jacket and 3 odd socks.

Day 88 #onedailypositive #zen #fmsphotoaday #ImReading #snaphappybritmums #project365

I wasn't actually reading anything at the moment, I've been too busy settling into our new lives in Dubai. I don't need time for me anymore now the kids have left home, I just work to my own agenda, there are no time constraints on me anymore, but I do need to learn to switch off and rest a bit more. It's getting very hot now during the day and I find it difficult to just 'rest', so my plan today between 12 and 2pm is to lie on the bed, put the fan on, line up some drinks and my lunch and just read. I thought the title of this book is just perfect the situation, I'm an expat, a lady who lunches.

Day 89 #onedailypositive #OnMyTable #fmsphotoaday #texture #snaphappybritmums #project365

Living in a hot climate for the past 5 years means that the marking of the year as it pasts by is no longer done by seasons. When we lived in the Southern Hemisphere we decided to mark the seasons in the same way you mark them in the UK, with Easter, Autumn and Christmas but as spring was in October I never managed to succeed as the table would be decorated in spring colours of yellows and greens, the decorations were halloween and it never looked right. Back in the Northern hemisphere with the weather is just hot, very hot and melting at least with it being spring and coming up for Easter I can decorate the table to reflect this. We have a handful of fluffy chickens that the cat took a fancy to, a little wooden chicken box and a plastic inflatable daffodil on a bright red table cloth, many textures. There is no longer any involvement from the kids in regards to decorating or crafts, but I'm sure the 15 yo will snaffle up his chocolate egg and take part in the festivities somehow.

Day 90 #onedailypositive #twotone #fmsphotoaday #jewellery #snaphappybritmums #project365

Another dig in the 'dressing up' box for today's photo prompts. This time a bangle of my mums from the 1960's.

Day 91 #onedailypositive #lunch #fmsphotoaday #fool #snaphappybritmums #project365

Homemade tuna pasta salad for lunch. The #teen is here for his school holidays, he likes all the ingredients, but not all mixed together, so he's the fool for turning down lunch.

Day 92 #onedailypositive #building #fmsphotoaday #yellow #snaphappybritmums #project365 #emaar

I love it when two photo prompts go together this easily. I'm do glad I made the effort to take this photo last night as we're in the middle of a sand storm and from where I stood to take this picture last night I couldn't even see the mosque from the same spot this morning.

Day 93 #onedailypositive #thisisgood #fmsphotoaday #hat #snaphappybritmums #project365

'this is (a) good' way of looking after my 'hat' and helping it stay in shape. The teddy bear is from America from my Aunt and along with the whicker chair were given to me on my 1st birthday. This year I will be 44.

Day 94 #onedailypositive #Istoodhere #fmsphotoaday #eggs #snaphappybritmums #project365

I stood here, hubby stood here and the teen stood here, looking and longing for the past 3 days. Tomorrow they will be ours mwhahahaha


  1. the two hour break sounds necessary as it is in many hot countries, the title of the book made me smile.
    We have had fog here this week, could not see much for it but better than a sand storm.
    One of the joys of your children growing up is the us time we have. Hope your enjoying having your son back for a while.

  2. Those chicks are lovely. Fabulous what you have done with your Easter eggs!! I have managed to hide ours :)

  3. Hope you have a lovely time for the rest of the teen's stay.
    Love your mum's old bangle - it's a lovely colour. Your teddy and his chair have survived the test of time very well!

    1. that teddy has also survived 5 kids playing with it, his nose drawn on, but the chair was always kept away from the kids as it's slowly disintegrating

  4. I had that egg last year - love peanut m and ms! No eggs this year though - tightening up on the cash and the calories! Like the look of the book and the pasta salad :)

  5. Loved the egg. It made smile. The pasta looks yummy, did it taste nice?

    1. the pasta is so simple to make 8 tbs of olive oil, 2 tbs balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, fresh basil and tsp of mustard mixed and poured over cooked pasta, tuna, tomatoes and a chopped green pepper

  6. It must be lovely having your teen home for a while. Giggling at the clothes choices though!

    1. the teen pack dbetter than the eldest child who last visited us in SA in 2011, yea arrived with the clothes he wore, which were dirty and needed repairing, a handful of odd socks, a t shirt and one pair of pants, the rest of his case was full of war hammer material and books, he was 22

  7. The teen wouldn't be a teen if he arrived with what you asked him to pack :)
    And I still can't get over the teddy. Guess things were of better quality back in the days

    1. the quality was much better then and it's survived 5 kids playing with it also. the teen now has a new wardrobe to go back to school with

  8. I want that Easter egg!!! mmmm love the bangle, very retro x

    1. egg gone and bangle back in the box till the next occasion

  9. Love that you've still got your teddy and chair. That's some good going.

    Must be nice having the teen home - sounds like a typical man when packing!

    1. it's great having the teen around, can't believe how much he has grown since christmas

  10. I hope you have fun whilst your teen is visiting. Love you have had your teddy for that long. I hope you are enjoying your Easter egg x

    1. easter egg gone in one and now have headache lol

  11. How lovely to have your teen visit for 2 weeks 😄 I can't imagine how hot it is over there but hope your rest with a book under a fan was successful! I love your photo of the mosque it looks beautiful.

    1. air con in the bedroom has packed in :-) so glad we have the fan

