Saturday, 18 April 2015

Week 16 Project 365

The air con still hasn't been fixed and coupled with the #teen leaving, the heat, the housework and the packing for my trip to the UK next week my stress levels are rising. I've had headaches and felt dizzy and sick. I feel like this week I've been on auto pilot. We did do some nice stuff this week which started with watching Alain Robert free climbing the Cayan Tower which you can read about in #MySundayPhoto and watch on you tube, which has had over 11,000 hits so far. I met with friends for coffee on Monday, the teen turned 16 on Tuesday so a family night out, Wednesday involved packing and Thursday he flew back to the UK. Friday in Abu Dhabi and Saturday in Dubai are the weekend so we just chilled, as much is possible in 40c heat.

Day 102 #onedailypositive #SomethingGreen #fmsphotoaday #water #snaphappybritmums #project365

Having just started 'Creating a garden in the desert' with #HDYGG and having a dog that loves rolling in the sand and it being so hot and dusty in Dubai, a hose pipe is an essential. It is used to fill the washing machine as the water temp out the outside tap is 40c so it saves on heating costs, watering the garden, but I'm not sure watering my plants at that temp is actually doing them any good, dampening the sand down when the wind gets up to stop it blowing in the house and washing the dog. although I do that first thing in the morning before the water heats up too much.

Day 103 #onedailypositive #paper #fmsphotoaday #fly #snaphappybritmums #project365

Post, we have post, the good old fashioned paper variety, a new house card from South Africa, a post card and our election papers from the UK. Some sent by airmail, the South African one I think was hand delivered on foot through Africa, the length of time it's taken to reach us, but it reached us, hurrah.

Day 104 #onedailypositive #up #fmsphotoaday #ball #snaphappybritmums #project365

The birthday decorations are Up and tonight we will have a Ball for our sons 16th birthday.
I thought about throwing a ball up in the air and taking a photo, but that doesn't represent my day, maybe in the future I'll use the photo prompts to get creative, but today I've been making ice cream, baking and decorating a cake and I've been creative enough already.

Day 105 #onedailypositive #dinner #fmsphotoaday #love #snaphappybritmums #project365

There is nothing I love more than being with my family, it's just hubby and I most of the year but the 16yo is visiting and for his birthday dinner he chose his favourite restaurant in Dubai, which is in #DubaiMarina. We are also going out for dinner tonight, which is something we always do on the last before any of our visitors leave.

Day 106 #onedailypositive #WhereIWork #fmsphotoaday #pink #snaphappybritmums #project365

Normally today would be a sad day as the teen flies back to the UK, but seeing as I'm following him on Tuesday, the goodbyes will be 'see you later' I don't have a paid job, my visa for the past 5 years has read 'visitor' but I do work, it's not all G&Ts you know. mostly it is housework and a constant battle to keep the sand out the house, or I'm sewing to raise funds for charities in South Africa, or I'm in the kitchen making dinner.
In thinking about where I'm my most productive I decided to post a picture of where I do most most of my blogging and it's any coffee shop that has wifi. My bag is my mobile office and I don't always take my laptop with me, I always have a notebook and a pen or two so I can jot down notes, write letters home etc, it just happens that this months notebook and pen are pink.

Day 107 #onedailypositive #AnOrdinaryMoment #fmsphotoaday #cute #snaphappybritmums #project365

An ordinary moment for me is being knocked off my feet by the dog every time I return home, mind you I get the same cute response even when I leave the room for a few minutes. They say 'get a dog so someone is always pleased to see you'

Day 108 #onedailypositive #fluffy #fmsphotoaday #flowers #snaphappybritmums #project365

I've been joining in with #HDYGG linky on a Friday. These are the latest seeds I've bought and I'm hoping they will be ready to plant out by the time I return from the UK in May, assuming hubby waters them, that is. You just don't know how much effort I put into thinking how to manage todays photo prompts 'fluffy and flowers' however until they flower I'm not sure which is the fluffy one and I think the other seedling maybe a Protea.


  1. Your dog sounds lovely - I would love that type of greeting every time I came home! Happy 16th to your son :)

  2. I can imagine that living in Dubai at this time of year with no aircon is rather challenging. Oh to be 16 again, hope he had a great time #365

    1. thankfully we have air con in the living area, its just the bedrooms, but we have extra fans in there at the moment, but its a struggle to sleep

  3. I can imagine you're looking forward to Tuesday when you see your son again. Hope the goodbyes aren't too hard when you have to say them.

    1. the goodbyes were much easier this time as I'm seeing him and 2 of his 3 brothers and sister next week

  4. Hope your trip to the UK allows you to destress!! well done for still carrying on with taking the photos. x

    1. will be nice to have a different take on the photo prompts

  5. Wow, your gardening sounds like really hard work, but fair play to you for persisting! Glad you could be with your son on his birthday. Hope you have a good flight and look forward to seeing your pics from the UK next week :)

    1. thanks Sarah, there will be plenty taken in gloucester

  6. We get knocked off our feet too! Even if we've just gone to the cat half of the house. That is the cutest face! My Geri gives me the same face in the position. :0)

  7. I never realised how essential a hose could be! Fascinating reading :)

    1. it's so much easier now since we bought it, lugging watering cans around in the heat was killing me

  8. Happy 16th to your son!! I think I could eat my way through Dubai :D

    1. thank you. after 12 weeks of hotel living when we first moved here, we've eaten in a fair few restaurants

  9. In Scotland we moan about too much rain, over there you would be grateful for it. Good grief at the water coming out that warm.
    Enjoy your time back in the UK

    1. we do get rain here, mainly in the winter but it's not much other than a freak storm that blew a tree down in our garden

  10. Hope Alex had a happy Birthday Love Mum

  11. I hope your teen had a great 16th birthday, I'm glad you were able to celebrate together. I hope you enjoy visiting England x

