Monday, 20 April 2015

Getting things done on time.

I'm off to the UK tomorrow for 2 weeks to attend my niece's wedding. I sorted my outfit a few weeks ago, just buying a new jacket and a hair piece. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to afford this trip but it didn't stop em getting things ready to take back for family and friends, either to send back with the youngest who has been visiting or with hubby on his next European trip with work. I'm packing my clothes and toiletries today, I don't pack clothes too far in advance as I like a rough idea of what the weather is going to be like.

I don't know about you, but when I think of something I need to do I just get on and do it, even if it means it's done 3 months before it needed doing.

It's my son's 16th birthday next week, I bought the card in January, why? because I thought 'oh it's my son's 16th birthday this year and he'll be in Dubai for it' and I went into a card shop and bought it there and then.
What's in the bag? Well it's bits and bobs I've been collecting for my 4 year old niece for my son to take back with him when he leaves on April 16th (the calculator has been dropped in the bag incase my son needs one for his GCSE's) I've been collecting/buying bits and pieces since Christmas. I left her birthday gift for February with my mum back in November.
This bag? Well this is in preparation for my trip to Canada in June to meet my twitter buddy @alwaysaredhead, there are bits and pieces in there from South Africa and the UK collected in November.
These bags? Well these have already been delivered, I put these together when hubby announced a month in advance he was going back to South Africa for work.
People tell me how good I am, how organised I am, how thoughtful I am at doing things like this. But the truth is, I'm a last minute worrier, deadlines don't register with me until the day they arrive, so when I think about something, it's important to me to remember so I tend to do it straight away so I don't forget.

My friend's daughter is 18 in November, have I bought her birthday gift? of course I have. I didn't want to put money in an envelope, I wanted to buy something special, so I went shopping last week to do just that.

Now I hear you saying you do that with Christmas, then forget what you've bought or where you've hidden it. Nope not me, there are boxes in the study, labelled for each trip and the date. My suitcase is already packed for my trip to the UK on the 21st, not with clothes, but with wedding gifts, birthday cards and presents, wrapped and envelopes addressed, to leave with my mum with a date in the corner where the stamp will go for her to know when to post them on. I'm back in the UK again in September so on that trip I'll be taking out the christmas presents, that I will need to think about buying soonish or before I know it, December will be here and I will have forgotten.

How about you? How far ahead do you plan for things like this?

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