Tuesday, 24 April 2012

How to apply for a South African driving Licence

My son is 17, he wants to learn to drive, having discovered there is no extra cost with OUTsurance I am happy to teach him.

However, it's not as simple as complete form, send it off, wait for Provisioal licence to arrive, stick L Plates on the car.

First we were told to complete an APPLICATION FOR LEARNER'S LICENCE after the where? what? how? we finally submitted the form, sat in a queue, waited to be called and were told, by the same person who checked our forms an hour ago, that we needed a TRN. TRAFFIC REGISTRATION NUMBER. You can read here what happened next.

Finally having established What? Where? Watloo was, where we needed to go for the TRN hubby traisped off to Pretoria, avoiding Mamelodi, to the licensing services to collect the form.

We then needed a letter from sons school to verify he was a student there, what subjects he was studying (WHY?), verified copy and original passport and 2 black & white passport photos. Hubby traispes home with form.

We complete form and gathered letters, pictures, photocopies required and returned with my proof of address and verified copy of passport and original.

My passport states visitor, so it can't be done.

We are now in the process of obtaining the contract for our new address so hubby can provide the following details when they return to collect the TRN on May the 14th, at least they allowed us to submit the form.

All that's left to do now is for hubby to obtain the following information and they can return to get the TRN.

Contract and headed letter from company to verify (full names) are residents of ...
Colour photo copy of passport and visa.

(You will need several of these for address changes)

Take to Police Station to have them verified, also request to sign an affidavit to state that you are resident in the above property and that (son's name) resides there with you on a full time basis.

Change address at bank and ask for statement with new address.

We have to go back to the first place to resubmit the original documents, take an eye test, wait 6 weeks to be informed of examination date, obtain licence, stick L plates on the car and then book actual driving test.

See simple and easy, isn't it....only when you know how


  1. Your posts always appear so calm. I am not sure I could write such a post without letting my anger seep through.

  2. Did you read the first part on the click here in the first paragraph...i was not calm when i wrote that one

  3. I will be sure to take note of this. Johannesburg seems to follow this guidelines but I will ask around on the information booth.

  4. Had exactly the same expereince today @ Centurion whilst applying for my Chinese wife's learners license (after going on Monday to be told "Eish...No power since Friday, we cannot work today").

    At the infamous counter 20, was asked 'Where is the TRN?' wo which I replied 'What is a TRN?' and receiving the "Waltloo will help" response...

    Her Temporary Resdience Permit application is 'in the system' for 3 months already and I can expect another 'Eish ... She needs her TRP to get a TRN to apply for a license'.

    Off to Waltloo tomorrow, where no doubt I will receive equally discouraging service. Wish me luck.

    1. Hi Justin
      I hope your trip was uneventful at Watloo, they certainly know how to make you jump through hoops here

