Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Linking up with # groovymums from last week, I've opted to use challenge number 6 as a way to find out how to be an effective volunteer in Africa. To find out why organisations are turning me away. I have skills, qualifications and experience, but they are just not interested. What am I doing wrong? 6
. The Big Question – what one small thing can you do that will make a big difference?  Take this how you will and in a way that serves you. 

You wouldn't believe the knock backs I'm getting here in South Africa.
I research, computer on twitter and make contact and get knocked back.
I'm not qualified, I'm not the right race, I don't speak the language and I'm not here long enough to make a commitment.
Every bloody day I see tweets about poverty and aids in Africa, every day we are being asked to raise awareness and every day I offer my services. No one asks me what nationality I am, whether I speak any languages other than english our how long am I living here for.
They just tell me they want local people who can offer commitment, understand the culture and the language.
Then they provide me with a link to their fundraising website.

Well I live in South Africa, I'm a qualified lecturer of special needs and life skills, I've planned, developed and delivered child welfare courses, I've trained teaching assistants, I've managed over 120 volunteers in child welfare for The English FA, reaching thousands of individuals, parents, children, coaches.
I have a CV I can send you.
I'm currently involved with @thebabyhouse and @santashoebox. I have time, transport and the will.
So what are you waiting for? Contact me, offer me a volunteers role in your organisation and let me show you what I can do to help.
* I do only speak english, I am white british, but I'm local, I'm here and I'm committed.


  1. I've got to hand it to you Chicken Ruby,you've made a sterling effort to volunteer your skills. The constant knock backs must be very frustrating. Really hope that someone, somewhere can take the blinkers off at some point soon and offers you something that utilises your expertise/ skills so you can help make a difference as you want to.

    Good on you for keeping on trying. I'm sure many people would've given up by now.

    1. I realised very early on that I want going to get paid employment here until the government changes the skill sector requirements, which I've no found out is reviewed every november. I won't give up even if this becomes a full time job for me.

  2. I think sometimes having lots of skills puts people off. What you and I do about that I have no idea.
    Maybe worth contacting Volunteering England just in case they have links with similar organisations in other coutnries. They are on Twitter.
    Good Luck

    1. Kate, I started off with just offering time and hands on, the latest knock backs have come from english organisations, so now its time to really plug my self with my experiences and how I can adapt then to fit the needs of the organisations, I've discovered what I have to do, after in depth research is find pity where their gasps are and sell myself to fit that gap. I'm also expanding my networking and tolling to other charities over the world to see if they which to diversify to south africa, have had some promising results so far, especially from a foundation in the states.

