Saturday, 23 April 2016

Week 16 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

It's been a long week, not tiring, just feels like it's gone on longer than normal, including the weekend. We changed our routine and have decided we will now spend Saturday mornings in the desert and the rest of the day at home, catching up with house work (Peter is currently ironing, I'm currently sitting in Starbucks, but I did do the washing and shopping) and watching the football, rather than Friday's and so far it has been much more relaxing.

This week on the blog:
#MySundayPhoto The #teen has gone home, but there's chocolate in the fridge
#AnimalTales and the Rabbit on the beach
#HDYGG Indoor plants and update on the Geranium
#POCOLO Why my husband has to be my best friend

Sunday Day 108 #onedailypositive #project366 a nice relaxing evening after work, even had time to spend in the garden.

Monday Day 109 #project366 #onedailypositive I hate it when people say Peter and I are lucky to live abroad, as we weren't given this opportunity, we worked hard to get here. But this evening after a day at work for both of this we do feel lucky to be in this situation and say 'let's walk to the beach and grab a burger on the way'

Tuesday Day 110 #onedailypositive #project366 living life dangerously. Chicken soup in a tomato soup bowl. I'm home alone this evening while Peter dines out tonight.

Wednesday Day 111 #onedailypositive #project366 chilling out at home this evening after a trip to the shops for emergency cat food and a few treats as a way of an apology, don't worry Bob did get his share but not without a few hisses as I fed him some biscuits.

Thursday Day 112 #onedailypositive #project366 feeling very lonely this evening as Peter was late home and away a lot over the next few weeks, but cheered up by the pea eating cat.

Friday Day 113 #onedailypositive #project366 we booked a brunch last week but neither is knew what time it started so Peter phoned this morning to confirm. On arrival we were informed brunch was cancelled and replaced with an Indian buffet, so we dined in the @rainforestcafeuae instead with the added bonus of some shopping.

Saturday Day 114 #onedailypositive #project366 this was Bob 3 years ago today, unloved and unwanted at the SPCA in Pretoria. Now living in Dubai and couldn't be loved or wanted any more than he is. It also marks Bob's 6th birthday, there will be cake. 


  1. Is that tomato from your garden! Looks great! Love that Dubai view picture, seeing pictures makes me miss being there!

    1. yes i grew the tomato and have many more waiting to ripen which doesn't take long in this sun

  2. Happy birthday Bob, he is lovely. I have to say your soup mug made me smile as it made me think of my late Nanna, she had the same set of mugs. Hope you have a good week x #project366

    1. I suspect this soup mug is probably as old as your grans, it came from my MIL

  3. Thanks for sharing your week. I especially love the photo of the cat eating peas! It's great how they cheer you up isn't it x

    1. I'd be lost most days without the cat and dog

  4. That picture of Bob is so sad! He definitely got lucky finding you as a family. Your pea-eating cat made me laugh.

    1. she smells the peas cooking and sits there looking at me until I share

  5. Happy birthday to Bob! He's one lucky chap to have found you. Aww @ the cat eating a pea, bless, that's so cute. Is this tomato from your garden? A wowser of a tomato!

    1. yes, the tomato is from the garden, i've had a fab crop

  6. There is great satisfaction in rescuing a dog.
    Its amazing the things pets eats, Lilly likes raw carrots and was eating the bits I dropped yesterday.
    I dont envy you living abroad, not a brilliant choice when your children are here, but needs must and you have to go where the jobs are.

    1. yes we do indeed have to go where the jobs are, but sometimes i think a lesser job would make us happier

  7. Happy Birthday Bob! And, that beach view is stunning!

