Monday, 4 April 2016

Oh I wish I'd looked after me teeth - Pam Ayres

I'm reminded of Pam Ayres at the moment and her classic poem 'I wish I'd looked after me teeth' which can listen to here. Particularly poignant to me is the last verse.

'How I laughed at my mother’s false teeth,

As they foamed in the waters beneath.

But now comes the reckonin’

It’s methey are beckonin’
Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth.'

I'm losing my teeth at a rapid rate, OK I haven't had dental work for over 4 years, just check ups and every time they tell me they need to remove 3 teeth, but they don't say why, other than, it can't be repaired or it is loose. These are 3 of my top teeth, that form part of my broad smile and while they don't cause me any pain I'm confused as to why I should have them removed. So here they stay.

I hate visiting the dentist, I'm not frightened of the work, I have an old neck injury and I find it difficult to sit/lie in that position for more than a few minutes without severe pain, I've yet to meet a dentist who understands what I mean as they always interpret it with 'just lie back and relax you'll be fine' the only part of me not being relaxed is the lying back because and I'll say it one last time 'I HAVE AN OLD INJURY TO MY NECK, I CAN'T LIE IN THAT POSITION'

Also with moving around a lot it's difficult to find a dentist I can trust with my teeth, I've been told so many different things over the years, such as I can have a bridge for the top right of my mouth, to discover I'd have to have the rest of my trop teeth on that side removed first, when I ask why I was told because this what they have to do. I've also been told many times that ALL my old dental work needs replacing as it has been done badly, how can this be?

A few years ago I chipped a front tooth, I went to a new dentist to have it fixed, next thing I knew they had filed down my front tooth completely and put a badly fitting veneer on it, it's not straight and 5 years on it still irritates my tongue. I've chipped the other front tooth now and I'm on a liquid diet until I've done my research on finding yet another new dentist I feel I can trust who doesn't just carry work out without a full explanation and offer alternatives.

I also have bone disease in my mouth and I was told by various dentists that I would need implants sooner rather than later, it's an expensive option but a route I was willing to take some day sooner rather than later, that was until I went to discuss it properly and was told for the first time last year, I don't actually have enough bone in my mouth for implants and will need bone graphs. Now that will mean several weeks, months with no teeth in my mouth while the implants take before I can have the posts and new teeth fitted and at 44 I really don't want that, especially with front teeth missing, would you?

I've found a clinic in Harley Street, that can fix your smile in one day, but it comes in at a cost of £15,000, plus all the extras like CT scans to check on the depth of my bone in my mouth and is a 5 hour procedure under a local sedation, which with my neck I'd never be able to manage. I'm at a loss at what to do. I could finance the work, it would be a push. But I fear that I'd have to pay a lot of money up front, air fares, hotels (I live in Dubai) CT scans to discover there's not enough bone for the implants.

So I'm checking out what Dubai has to offer, what would be covered on my medical aid, front teeth aren't cosmetic as far as I can work out they should be covered, but with the damage to my teeth already I doubt anyone would be willing to fix the top 8 without fixing the rest of my mouth.

If anyone has had similar issues and found a way forward without breaking the bank or going without teeth, please do get in touch. Also if you've ended up with false teeth due to implants costing too much or having bone disease, let me know how you're getting on. I really don't want false teeth at 44, but I suppose that has to be better than no teeth, doesn't it?


  1. Oh teeth are the stuff of nightmares aren't they? I have the loveliest dentist ever and he did the kind of job on my teeth that means I actually don't need to see him so often now. I have fillings, root canals, a bridge and crowns, but not false teeth. I'm sure someone like him would have a better solution than those offered to you x

    1. i've not even looked into it all yet, too frightening a prospect

  2. Oh Suzanne, that sounds like a nightmare. I never went to the dentist for over fifteen years because I just didn't trust what they tell me and I think they are out to pull a fast one. However I have now found a decent dentist who I trust and visit annually... She is the only dentist I have seen who has told me I shouldn't have my wisdom teeth out if they aren't causing trouble, other dentists have been gagging to extract them (my wisdom teeth have never fully emerged, but I take extra care over them and they are fine.

    I did know a lady who had all her teeth out at a young age due to some problem and it never bothered her. Personally I don't fancy implants, just the thought of having something inserted into my jaw bone to hold teeth in place gives me the wobbles.

    I really don't have a suggestion for you, but I hope you get your teeth sorted soon.


    1. i dont fancy implants either but they appeal more than false teeth

  3. This is such a horrid situation for you to be in. It never ceases to amaze me how expensive dental work is. I had the same dentist all my life until we moved last year. I'm not sure I like or trust our new dentist so have avoided any follow up check ups. I really hope you find a solution that you are comfortable with #pocolo

  4. I'm sorry, I don't have any answers but I just wanted to say I wish you all the best with a difficult situation

  5. This sounds so difficult - hope you get it sorted! My partner really WANTS to have complete implants, as he thinks it's easier (in fairness, he does have quite a few issues with weak teeth that crumble). Personally, I really dread serious dental issues. I am always shocked by how much the implants cost, though they do look really nice when done. #PoCoLo

    1. i'm still not sure i have enough bone for implants and i really don't want to hear there is nothing to be done

  6. I HATE visiting the dentist, always have. I have bad teeth, in my opinion, and will inevitably have issues as I get older. I do take care of them now, but didn't when I was younger, which is why I'm so afraid of my dentist! I hope you get your issues sorted Suzanne. xx
    Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo

  7. Oh hunny, it sounds a nightmare but I think false teeth are better than no teeth. I'm not a fan of the dentist either, and I've a check-up on Friday - eek. Sending lots of toothy luck and good fortune your way, thanks for linking to #PoCoLo

    1. thank you, i guess i'll just have to accept it someday that nothing can be done

