Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Animal Tales Treat Puzzles and Cat Cave

I've been linking up with Animal Tales for over a year now, according to my face book memories and I'm slowly running out of things to post for this linky, but I'm determined I shall carry on.

I've taken you camping in Canada, where I saw evidence of a bear near the tent, Dog walking in Dubai, on safari in South Africa and to a farm in the UK. I'll be adding a trip to Munich this year to my travel itinerary, in the meantime I shall leave you with this.

I had a go at making a dog treat game for Bob.

I made a cat cave for Pushkins.

Neither of them were impressed with my efforts for long.

I'm found this video on Youtube, I love it, I've watched it like 100 times.

Dog stalks his bone.

Next week, I'll be discussing the old cheese wrapper and dog response.


  1. I should try and dog treat trick for Saari as it would put her to the test - she is phenomenally greedy but also VERY lazy. What would she do? Plus you have given us the other end of the cat from my linked post - together we make one full cat! The dog stalking video that is just BRILLIANT and ever so slightly scary. I have shared it on my FB page. Thank you so much for linking up for a year - that is a great achievement :)

  2. We bought a similar toy for our dog, not long after we got him, and he got bored of it very quickly. I should have made one like yours! #AnimalTales

  3. We're hoping to get a dog this summer so I must remember this dog treat trick!

    1. it's really neat, i fill it with normal dog biscuits so he can nibble during the day when i'm at work

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love Pushkins cat cave! I wonder if Boots will want one? ;) #animaltales.

    1. let me know, it only really gets used though when we put cat nip in it

  6. I love the cat cave! I need to make one for mine, i know they would love it too, they are always sneaking in places! I try to link up to #AnimalTales where I can, it's always great to see the pet posts for everyone!

    1. i love this linky, gives me a purpose to blog some weeks

  7. I hadn't seen that video! Brilliant :)

    Bob's toy looks good. Stella has been lucky and has won something similar on Twitter and also got sent one of the brilliant Nina Ottoson treat toys for a Woof Wednesday.

    Is the cat toy the t-shirt/box thing I've seen?

