Thursday, 7 April 2016

Enjoying the garden in the desert in Dubai with HDYGG?

 It's been a busy week in the garden in Dubai. After a full year of planting, I now have a record of what to grow and when. There's no question about where, just straight in the sandpit, in full sun light all day, everyday, there is no other option.

I've been on half term and the teen is home for the holidays, so I've had plenty of help, moving pots, rearranging pots, lugging bags of compost in and out the boot and cutting back the bougainvillea.

On a walk with Bob I came across an independent garden centre, gosh it was so cheap, so I returned with the car and loaded up with plants, pots and compost.

The teen started clearing the garden while I was out as the wooden desk finally collapsed, I've removed the drawers and I'm using them in the house, everything else had to be relocated.

Wearing gardening gloves due to the thorns, we weaved the bougainvillea to form a canopy to protect the seedlings from the sunlight and to try and salvage the tomato plant, that is still flowering despite it's pitiful look.

90% of the garden was grown from seed, I water it every morning, but haven't had the time to give it the full attention it requires, hence buying a few plants to supplement what's there already.

I grew the tomatoes from seed, the chilli and pepper plants were purchased from the garden centre, I've failed on a few occasions with growing them from seed.

The nasturtiums, also grown from seed, are still growing strong and have produced some lovely flowers.

The cherry tomato plants just haven't stopped producing, I've now moved the pots to the other side of the house.

We purchased some new garden furniture for outside the back door, where we get shade in the early morning and late evening, it was a very bland area, but also where our lawn is, yes we have a real lawn.

This is an Anti-Mosquito Pelargonium, we'll see how it goes, I'm fed up of being eaten alive in the evenings.

We finished the garden after sunset, just the tidying up to do, which we left for the gardener in the morning.

The pots were moved inside and yes Annie, it's a Hydrangea, I bought it a few hours before I saw your post. I've done a lot of research and I'll share it in next weeks blog post.

I brought the basil. sweet pea and daffodil inside, there's plenty of sunlight and the temps remain below 30c and their not under the air con.

I love this sign, I picked up, along with the cat in South Africa.

I'm 'over summering' the geranium and pansies. They were easy and cheap to grow, but it's all part of seeing what I can do, I love a challenge.

I love how the hallway looks now there is a splash of colour in it. I hate living in rental properties.

The skies opened shortly after the teen and I finished, I've added a few artificial flowers indoors.

Sadly we will soon be keeping the curtains closed during the day to prevent it from heating up when temps reach the mid 40's, so we're making the most of view of the garden while we can.

It was still raining on Friday, I guess these sprinklers are on a timer.

I'm starting to think about what else I can grow in the desert. I'm sure anything is possible in Dubai. After all, if this bit of greenery can survive in the desert, some 45km inland from the sea, I'm sure everything is possible.


  1. Your new plants really transform the garden. I'm in awe of your tomatoes — we've had no luck with them over the last couple of years. The chillies are coming along nicely too. Welcome to the blue hydrangea club ;)

    1. I'm hoping that the garden looking nice will persuade hubby to stop his request to move somewhere nicer

  2. looking good! i love bougainvillea so much. have you thought about succulents that won't need that much water?

  3. I can only imagine how tricky it is to garden in that heat when the temperature increases during the summer months. For now it's looking amazing though, I especially love the bougainvillea.

    1. thank you, i tend to garden after sunset now

    Awesome - and it's exactly the same colours are mine.
    Looks like you got yourself some bargains there - and what a different it's made.
    Loving the HDYGG blackboard ;)
    Thanks for joining in again lovely lady!

    1. I'm loving the garden now, it's just a shame it's too hot to sit out in and enjoy

  5. Please can you send some warmth over here?! It's still so cold over in the UK...I've hardly planted anything at the allotment, need the soil to warm up! #hdygg

    1. you're welcome to all the what, the novelty soon wears off

  6. You are persistent!! And definitely love a good challenge. I would have given up

    1. nope when i set myself a challenge it's all or nothing

  7. Wow - looks like you've been busy! Glad you got it all planted before the rain started :) #hdygg

    1. oh i enjoy the rain in dubai, it's such a welcome change

  8. What a find that garden centre is! The garden is looking so good now but you have worked so hard to get it all growing.

