Thursday, 21 April 2016

Indoor plants in Dubai with HDYGG

I guess there are certain plants you just can't 'over summer' in Dubai. How to keep a geranium indoors.

I decided to try and bring a few plants indoors that I know just won't survive the heat of the summer, but it would appear they just don't like it, so I've moved them back outdoors where they can flower for a few more weeks at least, as they obviously don't like being indoors.

Although the aircon isn't directly over the plants, it's not keeping the house at a constant temperature at the moment and this is obviously affecting the plants.

The daffodil will remain inside, as it was struggling outdoors, but I'm doubtful it will flower.

The other plants have been moved back outside and I've brought in a couple of the basil to see what happens to them.

The geranium appears to be doing ok at the moment, watering is a tricky balance though.

I guess I now have an excuse and several empty pots to fill, to head off back to the garden centre to try my hand at keeping succulents.


  1. after living in miami for over ten years i know that there are just some plants that don't like that kind of heat and won't last. i tried hydrangeas and although they weren't in the sun for a very long time, they couldn't handle the heat and died after two weeks. tropical plants are best for tropical climate

    1. if this hydrangea doesn't survive indoors it won't survive outdoors for sure

  2. My hydrangea didn't get on with being indoors at all - since I popped it out in the garden it's taken much better - thankfully, that's one plant death that would have hit me hard!

    How hot do summers get out here?

    Merci de vous joindre à nouveau x (I got fed up of saying 'thanks for joining in again' so I'm experimenting with different languages!)

    1. Shukran as they say in Dubai, this hydrangea is labelled as a house plant so i've only got the one choice

  3. It must be so hard to let the plants and flowers flourish in such dry heat! Your blue hydrangea has reminded me that I must buy one for our garden. We have white ones but I love the blue.

    1. it takes a lot of water, but it's possible

  4. We lived in Cyprus for a couple of years and I well remember this time of year being when the garden started to die and the grass all disappeared. It's a challenge to keep anything alive in the heat, but I admire your courage trying. Hope you have more success with some succulents!

    1. it's certainly hard work keeping the garden alive

  5. Heart over head everytime. OK you know they won't survive, the books tell you so too but that doesn't stop us having a go! #hdygg

  6. You certainly have your challenges with the Dubai heat. Me? I am putting off going to the polytunnel as we had yet another frost last night I and fear it may have done for my remaining tomato plants :(

    1. both having similar issues, yours the cold, mine the heat, but the results and efforts are still the same

  7. We've had snow twice this week so it seems we all struggling with extremes at the moment!

  8. Ooh succulents - they should cope better maybe? An interesting experiment though :) x

    1. I bought some none flowering indoor plants, hopefully they will stand a better chance of survival

