Sunday, 17 April 2016

My Sunday Photo - Week 68

The teen has flown back to the UK, there won't be many more trips for him to come home during the school holidays for much longer. It was too hot in Dubai last summer so I'm making the trip to the UK this year to be with him. He'll be back for October half term, but not Christmas, he wants to spend it with his Granny, his last one before he becomes an adult, his next trip after that will be next Easter, then he leaves school.
Being a mummy for me was cut short a few years ago when he returned to the UK to finish his education and the last child left home.
But there is a few positives.
There's always chocolate in the fridge when he's not here. 


  1. Haha well I guess that's a plus side. I've never tried one of those Reese's

    Thank you for linking up

    1. there are many other benefits, like a purse with money in it also

  2. Love your silver lining. Hope you enjoy your trip back to the UK later this year

    1. thank you, my last trip was september so it'll be almost a year

  3. i just love reese's peanut butter cups. i love chocolate and PB together. must be a bit sad for you without your son there:(

    1. aren't they just the best, sadly the sadness wears off quicker every time

  4. WHen I arrive here my mother in law is so amaze how I put the chocolate in the fridge! It melts in room temp in my country and it has become a habit to me =P


    1. it's the putting the red wine in the fridge that throws me

