Sunday, 22 July 2018

Life in a township in South Africa.

I've spent the last 2 weeks uploading names on a data base of children living in poverty in South Africa who will receive Christmas gifts from a charity this year. I've been involved in this charity and others since 2011. I'm currently visiting friends in Germany who moved here in 2015, Dirk worked at a home for disabled adults and children and I've worked with him on a variety of projects.

Every week this year for My Sunday Photo I've been focusing on construction projects mainly in Dubai and around the world. Today I thought I'd share some of the photo's from the townships in Pretoria where I've worked as a volunteer. I'm back in South Africa in September for 3 weeks and I'll be revisiting some of the places below.

A township in South Pretoria

Rubbish dump

It's common for people in townships to tap into the street lighting and run cables to their shacks to power a light bulb

A pre school receiving Christmas gifts

People walk 4-8 kms a day to get fresh water every day

If you want to see more about the construction side you can click on the links below:

Week 158 Dubai Bluewater Islands and Dubai Eye. Man made island a 210m high Big Wheel
Week 159 Dubai Dubai Marina - Reflections
Week 160 Dubai Dubai Frame. A window between the Old and New Dubai and a 150m high glass floor.
Week 161 Dubai Dubai Marina 3 years apart.
Week 163 Dubai New Metro Line for Expo 2020
Week 164 Arizona and Nevada Hoover Dam 2002 - 2010
Week 165 Dubai Dubai Opera House What a difference a year makes
Week 166 Dubai Unfinished buildings. The Pentominium
Week 167 Coventry Mixing the old and the new. Coventry Catherdral
Week 168 Dubai New Dubai Metro Station 
Week 169 Dubai The new extension of the Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa 
Week 170 Dubai Hotel fire After the Address fire 
Week 171 Dubai Unusual designs The Opus Building
Week 172 Dubai District Cooling. Keeping the desert cool.
Week 173 Dubai Can I visit the Burj Al Arab
Week 174 Dubai The Almas Tower
Week 175 Dubai The Cayan Tower
Week 176 Toronto The CN Tower
Week 177 Nevada The Paris Hotel 
Week 178 Dubai Ibn Battuta Gate
Week 179 A Wedding
Week 180 Dubai The World's Tallest Tower
Week 181 Dubai and Wales Al Fahidi Fort and Chepstow Castle 
Week 182 Dubai New Metro Station in Al Furjan 
Week 183 Dubai Cleaning the windows on the world's tallest building
Week 184 Dubai Ski Dubai
Week 185 Another Wedding


  1. Geez, we don't even know, do we? Heart wrenching pics, CR.

    1. I've met some of the kindest and friendliest people in these townships

  2. It's amazing that in this day and age we still see people having to live like that

    1. it bugs the life out of me, when walking for water, they'll pass taverns selling beer and coke

  3. I am so glad you posted these images. I think we could all do with a reminder of what life can be like for individuals living in situations like this. Keep up with the charitable donations.

    1. thank you john, I thought I'd show the other side of my life outside of Dubai

  4. Thank goodness for people like you who take action to help. Heartbreaking 💔 #mysundayphoto

  5. Truly heartbreaking. Certainly puts my first world problems into perspective. #MySundayPhoto

  6. Please do share the charity you're working with for the gifts - I"d love to help :)

  7. Such a contrast to life in Dubai. I've always loved the Christmas boxes you work on in South Africa

    Have a great Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

    1. thank you, I'll be starting on the boxes in september over in SA

  8. What moving photos. I can't imagine walking so far for water. Connecting the electricity up looks like a dangerous thing to do.

    1. we obviously gave them and their water barrels a lift back to the township

  9. Amazing work you are involved with, these photos are such a real reminder of how very lucky we are.

  10. Hi Suzanne, I remember you sharing a post about the Christmas gift giving charity before. It sounds like a very worthy charity afterall children are children where ever they are in the world and deserve a gift as much as the next child. I remember meeting some amazing people living in terrible poverty when I lived out there. It was a real eye opener to me, something I feel unless witnessed it's hard to imagine. Keep up the good work! #MySundayPhoto


    1. the photos still don't do life over there justice do they?

  11. These photos are so sad...We are so lucky! x

