Monday 7 February 2011

Using my natural resources.

When in Denver 2003, Peter was working at Corrs brewery and we were staying in Golden, a small town, by the 3rd day I was a little bored, so I inquired about the nearest shopping mall and was told where to catch the bus, the number I needed and how much. Using my Englishness I found out from the driver what time the buses returned and where from.
Again in 2007 I found myself, alone, for the day in Coos Bay in Oregan, this is a logging town and full of thrift and gun shops, initially I was a little concerned, but used my resources...i.e. being English and received some wonderful help and assistance.
In Paris in 2000, we stayed in a hotel, that left a lot to be desired..armed with ‘Michael Thomas French for beginners’ I booked a new hotel, a table in a nearby restaurant and gave directions for Peter to find me when he finished working for the day.
I find being English a fantastic thing to be, although technically I am Welsh, Peter and I tend not to do the ‘tourist’ thing, when on holiday we hire villas/gites away from the tourist areas and often find we’re the only English people there.
The children are the only English students in the school and we’ve met one other English man, who happened to be in the same hospital as Dan on the weekend. People are surprised that 1. We’ve come to Centurion and 2. We’re going to be living here.
