I didn’t realise how much I enjoyed writing. I never thought I had anything of any interest to say until I discovered Twitter in February 2009. I did the usual and followed the celebs then I met @jayman888 @janedebond and @justin_a and from there life took on a whole new meaning, as my list of friends grew and after a small problem when I fell out with someone changed my name. I met @mediocre_mum on #fdf (fancy dress Friday) and my love affair with communicating began in earnest.
I started to blog when I wanted to say just a little bit more and to this day I still haven’t fathomed out #twitlonger. I blogged every day stuff, thoughts and feelings, explanation of a tweet if it met with too much opposition, issues with the children, schools and behaviour. I joined British Mummy Bloggers and @mediocre_mum sorted my blog out for me, comments, gmail account and started a face book page which she linked to my blog.
I’m now living in South Africa with my husband and 2 youngest kids, it has been a difficult transition, been here 5 weeks. I had a small note book that I jotted things down in, then wrote it up in full in as a word document and cut and pasted into my blog, I’ve had to invest in a bigger note pad now, which I’ve already started to fill, there are so many wonderful and amazing things to see and do, along with the hassles we’re encountering, but it will all be worth it in the end.
Special thanks to
@hippydi in Cape Town who phoned me one day after I tweeted I was feeling down
@amandamuldowney in Saudi for contact information, advice on shopping and places to visit
@letsbreastfeed in UK for her emails offering encouragement and support
And then of course there’s the rest of you for putting on with my crap and showing interest.